Our Philosophy and Strategy
Optical functionalities come from the interaction between light and materials. We can engineer material responses by using atomic/molecular arrangement at angstrom/nanometer scale. Likewise, the wave dynamics behavior of light can be modulated through the dielectric structures designed at the sub-wavelength scale. These two scales are so different (~ 1000) that it is possible to control both the material and the optical responses in synergetic manners, for example, by reconstructing the spatial distribution of materials with precision below the diffraction limit while preserving (or, independently engineering) the atomic-scale arrangements of materials.
This is the core idea of our strategy, with which we develop next-generation optical materials as well as device applications.
Our Key Expertise
Material processing
Hyperspectral microscopy
Light transport measurements
Device performance measurements
Mode analysis
Electrodynamics analysis
Spectroscopic analysis
Our Key Contributions
"Wafer-scale δ-waveguides for integrated two-dimensional photonics", Science (2023)
"Atomically thin, optically isotropic films with 3D nanotopography", Nano Letters (2021)
"Taming of random lasers", Nature Photonics (2019)
"Anderson localizations and photonic band-tail states observed in compositionally disordered platform", Science Advances (2018)
"A highly tunable and fully biocompatible silk nanoplasmonic optical sensor", Nano Letters (2015)