Group Leader
이명재 (Lee, Myungjae)
Assistant Professor
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Seoul National University
Office: 33-318
Tel: +82-2-880-5819
PhD: Seoul National University (2011 - 2018)
BS: Seoul National University (2006 - 2011)
(2022 - Present) Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
(2022 - Present) Adjunct Researcher, Research Institute of Advanced Materials, Seoul National University
(2023 - Present) Adjunct Researcher, Inter-university Semiconductor Research Center, Seoul National University
(2019 - 2022) Postdoctoral Associate, James Franck Institute, University of Chicago
(2018 - 2019) Postdoctoral Associate, Research Institute for Basic Science, Seoul National University
강경남 (Kang, Kyungnam)
"항상 기뻐하라 쉬지 말고 기도하라
범사에 감사하라"
범사에 감사하라"
Research Interest
Optical modeling of optoelectronic devices
Graduate Members
김환 (Kim, Hwan)
" Slow and steady wins the race! "
Research Interest
Next-generation photonics & M3D based EPIC
백규인 (Baek, Gyuin)
Lab Manager
김사무엘 (Kim, Samuel)
정영준 (Chung, Youngjun)
우선우 (Woo, Sunwoo)
안은영 (Ahn, Eunyoung)
박세현 (Park, Sehyun)
Undergraduate Interns
김성훈 (Kim, Sunghoon)
"Dream big, act bigger "
Research Interest
Next generation interconnect, biophotonics
이재욱 (Lee, Jaewook)
홍성윤 (Chengyun Hong)
Post-doc (24.02 ~ 24.09)
Currently at SKKU
Currently at SKKU